Sunday, September 20, 2009

Picture update

So you get kind of restless when you're on a ship for 5 days in a row... so I thought I would add a few more pictures on here while I have the time from my trips in Spain and Morocco.
This first one is from a beach in Spain where the local kids were jumping off the sea walls into the water. A few of my friends and I decided to join them. This picture is of the kids making fun of me for being nervous, or at least I think that's what I think they were doing. (Again, my spanish is limited...)
And then this neexxxttt one... is of me actually jumping! They applauded my wonderful performance afterwards.

Okay, so maybe they weren't that impressed with me. They loved the guys who were brave enough to try dives and backflips though. This was definately a memorable experience because it was our only time where we really interacting with kids in Cadiz. Plus I figure it was good practice for emergencies in case I ever have to jump overboard... just kidding. Did I mention that I hung out with Victoria Beckham while I was in Morcco? Okay, just kidding again... but that was the name of my camel. Isn't she precious?

This is a photo inside the beautiful Hassan Mosque. Casablanca, Morocco.
I thought this was a pretty neat photo of the impressive spice vendors in the markets of Marrakesh, Morocco.

Kelsey, Kate, myself, and Kaitlyn after a long day of bargaining in the big market of Marrakesh.

I hope these pictures give you all a better sense of how I am spending my time while I am in each country! I'll be sure to post an update as soon as I am back from Ghana. Interesting fact: When our Semester at Sea ship docks in Ghana, we will be the largest group of Americans to ever enter the country at one time. Pretty cool! Talk to you all soon.

Love, Alex

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